Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cornčrcard community: the credit card for your club

Every day increases the number of associations, clubs and organizations that benefit from the advantages of an individual credit card. Rely on the broadcasting of your own club card. They are proud to be a member in your club? Then show this to the individual credit card of your club: Cornčrcard Cornčrcard provides the community with the opportunity for your members an individually designed to make Visa or MasterCard credit card. In the same benefits as members of the club. Because every time the cardholder to pay with the Cornčrcard, they advertise to the public for your club. In addition, you will also benefit financially: for each newly issued Cornčrcard your club, an amount flowing into the club treasury. Convince yourself of the benefits of individual club credit card More profit for your club An individual credit card will not only strengthen cohesion among the club members and the presence of the association in the public, it also brings financial benefits. For every valid credit card, depending on the chosen program flow of CHF 50 or 100 in your club treasury. And with more than 20 cards issued in your club will receive even an attractive flat-rate premium. So take advantage and time again: * More identification for your members * Good image for your club * Attractive and individual offer for your members * Money for your club Checkout And so it is easy The individual club to apply for credit cards is easy. On we lead you step by step to your own Cornèrcard. Shop online a photo or a background image and the logo of your club high. Upon receipt of your application and successful examination by Cornčrcard your online Promotionsset will be unlocked. From then on, you can offer the individual club credit your club members.

Revolving credit cards can be quickly on the debt in case of crisis

A revolving credit card with which the accumulated balance at the end of the month do not have to fully repay, but only a small part of it, can quickly pile up a debt mountain, the lift is in difficult economic times can hardly be. If you then your credit card bill due to unemployment is no longer able to pay, the whole problem. The best example is currently the U.S., where the failure rate for the provider American Express ever soar. Rising unemployment means high failure rates In June 2009 American Express had already suffered a default rate of 10.7% and it is assumed from experts that this figure continues to rise. For American Express, this means that approximately 10% of turnover generated in the risk screening must be eliminated and put in doubt. This differs from other major credit card providers American Express is also the fact that the company must bear the risk themselves rather than by a kind of franchising gives the cards to other banks so that they can really tumultuous times, coming to the company. Revolving credit card use only when needed Especially in the wake of the crisis, you should even be cautious and therefore always respecting the fact that you can pay your credit card bill. To ensure this, it is advisable to use the card really only if it is really necessary. A termination and subsequent financial difficulties may be using that is even an adverse impact on one's own cause Schufa Act and should be strongly avoided.

Credit Cards

In 1887, the American writer Edward Bellamy described in his science-fiction novel "Looking backward: From 2000 to 1887" an economic system that does not involve cash: "In the beginning of each year to every citizen (...) will be credited an amount as a credit, which his Shares in the annual purchase of the nation represents, and he receives a credit card, through which he (...) shall at all times, what he needs. " FOR COMPARISON Check: 100 cards in the test In Germany there are now more than 1000 cards on different terms and with a variety of extra services on the market. There are cards with more or less meaningful insurance, with reductions in travel and for car rental, tickets to sporting and automotive fans, for hunters and students, and even maps with arbitrary pictorial motifs. Equally complex is the area of fees: Some cards are connected to a free checking account, or allowed to withdraw cash at ATMs worldwide free of charge, while others adopt new customers in the first year annual fee, but then proposes stronger rate than competing offerings. There are also huge differences in credit and lending rates - up to 25 percent. Just at the point it is particularly important to pay attention to the terms of settlement: by seemingly generous repayment obligations with low rates, the balance rises high interest on debt (revolving credit). Brings light into this mess of credit card comparison. It filters out more than 100 card offers that come closest to their personal needs. One can even determine what criteria are taken into account and should have the weight for example, the fees range in relation to extra services such as travel services.

What really any good gold credit cards

Who owns a credit card, so that would probably pay for one thing. Many card providers, however, promised additional security and service, customers can book a same over the map. Consumer activists see the skeptical: Many additional options are unnecessary or linked to conditions. "Hello, you expect more from a credit card?", Welcomed a friendly smiling lady on the website of American Express all potential customers who are interested in the "Gold Card". Then the virtual counselor tells of her recent misadventure: The newly purchased glasses were broke down on the way home. But a blessing in disguise because it has a "Gold Card", and above the damage was insured. What she does not reveal: the insurance jumps only if they have paid their glasses with the credit card. Instead, she extols the virtues of the golden insurance package designed: From the travel cancellation insurance on a trip abroad to Europe-wide car-insurance-Schutzbrief is everything. Related Links * The Germans go into the crisis with money order * Yield-increasing risks in life insurance * These banks offer the lowest interest rates MRP * Banks prefer customers interest on the Table * Melt the overnight interest rates, then * Where to get savers high interest rates now * Increased yield through the 200-day moving average of the Dax * Salary calculator Credit card providers like American Express, Diners Club or MasterCard cards offer their customers not only the desired independence of cash, but like many a couple of insurance benefits to - for a tidy fee. In addition to the package that American Express customers for an annual fee of at least 140 euros with the 'Gold Card receive "the credit card company has put together yet another bundle. For example, can be the "Sports & Active" for 15.80 Euro per month dazubuchen. It offers a one-off event of disability of up to 50,000 euros and a pain in bone fractures of $ 1,000 and a daily hospital benefit of $ 50. In addition, American Express customers can choose from a plethora of policies and is expected to be about a family's credit card protection, dental or funeral insurance subsidies. Diners Club credit card competitor advertises the other hand, with "above-average insurance services for travelers and provides a payment of 300,000 euros in fatal traffic accidents and disability in sight.

The market for credit cards

He is tall, opaque and confusing for a customer after all - the market of credit cards in Germany, it has certainly in itself. But although this is more than just complicated, decide each year, many people for their own credit card. Nevertheless, this payment will provide a very good reputation and, ultimately, she has also facilitated once everyday. Credit cards are status symbols and most people associate with them a certain prestige. Exactly this is a point that is critical to the success of credit cards in Germany. At least today can not only take people with good credit that payment in the claim, but also all others. Certainly they have lost through the prepaid credit cards a little bit of magic, but they are popular to this day. Those who opt for their own credit card, use this course be happy in everyday life. However, what must not be forgotten, is the mass of offerings available today. So credit cards are now offered not just one or perhaps two companies. In Germany alone there are more than 1000 different cards and they all have different conditions. This show is not only the numerous fees incurred for the use of credit cards, but also the benefits. Because even here the competition is very strong, do most of the banks with one or the other extras to persuade the customer to the conclusion of the contract. But the credit cards, where you can customize a theme, have been able to develop in Germany basically a hit and has attracted a following. Advertising: What the consumer is happy, however, forget that, when a credit card really does not matter to the photos and the amount of fees, but rather on the many different benefits and costs and these need to be better scrutinized. So you can now secure with individual savings, credit cards for travel and a rental car. Hunters and students are a particularly attractive target group and thus also served by the banks with their own benefits. The majority of banks offering credit cards today in conjunction with a checking account. Since the two financial products are so closely connected, this is certainly a composition that is almost, but it must be far from the best choice. It will also be drawn and the individual comparisons.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Savings and credit cards as stabilizers

GE Money Bank (Switzerland). With rising unemployment ahead, its new executive chairman Robert Oudmayer prepares for next deterioration of the creditworthiness of customers. "Our Swiss customers remain very disciplined expense. He did not say, but Robert Oudmayer, Executive Chairman of GE Money Bank (Switzerland) since last May, is delighted to work in such conditions.

Individual to identify with respect to an attempted fraud

Info-Crime Quebec and the Police Service in Longueuil seeking the assistance of the population in order to identify the man who appears on the attached photos. On 5 September, 16 am to 40 individuals showed up to trade Sports Experts Champlain Mall located at 2151 Taschereau Boulevard in Brossard to buy merchandise. Subsequently, the man presented to the cashier to pay for their purchases. He has presented two different credit cards to pay it off, but the cards have been denied him. Following the refusal, the suspect left the business leaving the goods on the counter. Anyone who can provide information that would identify or locate this individual is asked to immediately contact police in confidence on the line of Info-Crime Quebec by calling: 1-800-711 -1800.

The first step towards good credit are important

Building a good credit record and are not protected may not be in the class schedule for students, but these aspects should absolutely be part of their educational plan.
Good credit history may be crucial not only for buying a house or a car in the future, but also for renting an apartment, choosing a cell phone plan or obtaining low rates for a loan or insurance.
Credit Card
The possession and use of a credit card, provided you do not abuse the privilege, is an excellent method for students to build an impeccable credit record. Ironic ment, to receive a high credit rating, they must first make sure not to spend money they do not and pay the balance of their credit cards before the deadline.
"Pay your bills on time is the first thing to do," says David Malamed, juricomp table at Grant Thornton. Because of irregular payments can quickly plummet a credit score and a credit card continuously full can lead to similar consequences, students must be responsible.
Receive a gift t-shirt or a cup of coffee in exchange for a demand for additional credit card may look like a win-win, but students should be wary of annual fees or interest rates extremely high, which sometimes turn around 29% or more. They should read the fine print before signing anything and think seriously about the number of credit cards they need. After all, who wants to carry a credit card spending beyond its financial capacity? Furthermore, if flight portfolio, the risk of fraud and problems are proportional to the number of credit cards.

Avoid Fraud
Once they began to build their credit, students must protect it. Mr. Malamed said that fraud is among the most common causes of bad credit and that vigilance is generally the best means of protection. "Students must religiously check their card statements and bank credit and review, advises there. This is the first step to eliminate the risk of fraud. "
Students must identify some anomalies, as a suspect for disbursement of items they have purchased or double billing, and call the issuer of their card as soon as possible if something seems anormal.Les students should Never respond to telephone solicitude tions for credit cards, because anyone could be at the other end. The personal information supplied could lead to identity theft. In the worst case scenario, a hacker could use their information to call a company that issues credit cards to impersonate them, apply for new credit cards in their names and destroy their credit rating by accumulating debt, d According to Mr. Malamed.
"This situation could cause serious problems, a huge waste of time and a lot of stress," says he.
Mr. Malamed recommends that students check their credit ratings every six months or every year from a credit bureau deemed to ensure that creditors are saying to them meets their lending activities and identify potential errors or fraud. Of the reporting agencies are Equifax credit popular and TransUnion.

Indebted rich but time

Retirement stresses you out a bit, much to the madness? Young people are saving less than their parents The former CEO of Alcan joins the a.c. CGI Zenn as in target acquisition
One of the founders of Gap dies aged 81 We can not predict everything. "With my spouse, I had developed a good strategy, but I am now divorcing, the house is sold, I became a tenant and I do not know what to do to prepare for my retirement," says Lucia. The professional of 45 years receives a salary of $ 72 300. She has accumulated $ 7100 in the pension plan from his employer and has $ 9775 in RRSP. "I have almost no assets," says she. In fact, it has more debt: $ 28 360 line of credit and $ 2,600 in unpaid balances on their credit card. "However, adds it, I love my job and I plan to remain active professionally until the age of ... we'll see! "

His debts and income for retirement concern. It would also become owne
Debt and retirement first
The financial planner Richard La Ferriere, TD Waterhouse, initially asked Lucia to list of expenses. The budget showed a surplus of $ 31. "After my review, there was a deficit of $ 250, tells the planner. When they make a budget, people want to happen! " It affects net income of approximately $ 44 000, it spends its entirety.

But all is not bleak. "The good thing, says he, is that it gives us time because she wants to work until age 70." By continuing to work after 65 years, she improves her pension from the RRQ of 6% per year until age 70. However, in its projections, Richard La Ferrière subtracts 50% of the pension "because his divorce is not settled and I do not know the impact of the division of family assets." A 5% salary Lucia is poured into the supplemental pension plan from his employer. She also believes that its income should grow by 3% per year. In retirement, she wants to reach the equivalent of 65% of its net income for life or $ 28 500. To achieve this goal, Lucia will pay $ 185 per month into an RRSP, calculated our planner. "This is not insurmountable, but it would have to make budget adjustments." It should pay particular line of credit as quickly as possible. In addition to weigh heavily on its budget, the $ 800 per month allocated to debt repayment would not permit him to meet the debt ratio mortgage lenders. It also drags the ball a recurring balance of $ 2,600 on his credit card. Its interest costs would be lower if it transferred this debt on its credit line. The dream of a new property can fit into this picture? To meet the target debt ratio as a criterion for financial institutions, Lucia can not allocate more than 32% of its gross income to housing costs. Considering the budgetary situation of Lucia, our planner instead sets this ceiling at 25% or $ 1512 per month. It has touched an upcoming bonus of $ 8000 and thought to use it to repay its debt. In view of its proposed ownership, better keep the money for the downpayment. "It would be nice to reduce the debt but it will prove she has savings to borrow for the house," retorted the planner. He calculates that Lucy could get a property with a value exceeding $ 200 000. With a down payment of 5% and mortgage insurance for $ 3977, the loan would total $ 193 977. An interest rate of 4.85% and produces monthly payments of $ 1112. Add $ 300 for property taxes and $ 100 for heating, and reaches the $ 1500 set limits. But this program depends on reducing its debt and better control its spending. Fortunately, she has time before her.

The Caf "hooked"

A phishing attack (*) targets in recent days the users of the family allowance funds French. This attack comes in the form of a message entitled "Notification of rights and payments. It faithfully reproduces the presentation of the official website of the Caf and tells the recipient that the message was not received for a specified period, a sum he would have received.

But small errors in the text should draw the attention of surfers. First, the first sentence which states: "It appears after culcul" instead of "calculation". Then, an incentive to click a hyperlink to access a form where the user is asked to provide his personal details of beneficiaries - including its secret code and its bank account with the number of credit card and cryptogram thereof. Elements that in no case did the Caf asks its recipients. She urges them not to click on the button "click here" that appears below the malicious message. The crooks who set up this fake site CAF hosted in Hungary led the deputy to allow the user, once he gave his personal details and confidential, to click a button "continue" which redirects to the actual site of the Caf. Stéphane Villeroy, communication officer at the Caf 67, indicated yesterday morning that "at 8 pm Opening hours of telephone Caisse du Bas-Rhin, the lines were flooded with calls from puzzled users or confused "...
(*) "Phishing" or phishing technique used by fraudsters to obtain personal information, including passwords and card numbers credit, making the victim believe it is for a trusted site: bank, government, etc..

Monday, October 5, 2009

Savings and credit cards as stabilizers

With rising unemployment ahead, its new executive chairman Robert Oudmayer prepares for next deterioration of the creditworthiness of customers. "Our Swiss customers remain very disciplined expense. He did not say, but Robert Oudmayer, Executive Chairman of GE Money Bank (Switzerland) since last May, is delighted to work in such conditions.

160 GB formatted card

Developed by Freecom USB Memory is a drive of 80 grams which is the market for mobile professionals. 80 grams! This is the featherweight of USB Memory of Freecom. From the size of a credit card, this Lilliputian stores still 120 GB or 160 GB depending on model chosen. Tiny (8.2 x 5.8 cm), this external hard drive 1.8 inch is powered by its USB 2.0 port (compatible with 1.1). Besides its low energy consumption, it is totally silent. Its price - 109 euros for 120 GB and 129 GB for 160 euro - do not intend primarily to consumer use. The USB Memory interest especially mobile professionals who need to transport large volumes of daily data. Most professional PC ultra-portable aged two or three years does in fact have no such capacity nor, by definition, netbooks. Finally, this external drive by its particularly robust design can withstand weather extremes from -20 ° C to +70 ° C (warehouse, company car, etc..). But it can be used in operation only in a limit of 10 ° C to 35 ° C.

Scam credit card

On 14 July, the security of shopping center Auchan Lac Bordeaux noticed the ride of two individuals who are trying to buy jewelry, jewelry stores in two different, using a bank card. Seeing the guards approached, they prefer to flee aboard a car. Going up the trail of credit card that is stolen a few days prior to Biscarrosse, films and security cameras, the brigade for Financial recognizes an individual well known for their services. This Bordeaux-25s was found Sept. 8 by the police near Aubiers. An arrest which resulted in death threats and insults from this man. A procedure for these events has also been initiated. The owner of the card identified the man as the thief on the terrace of a bar Biscarrosse. Both jewelers have also formally recognized. The man, during his custody had confessed to the fraudulent use of means of payment, but not theft. Investigations inspectors assess the damage amounting to EUR 3 000 in eleven transactions buying jewelry or cartons of cigarettes and cash withdrawals. Wednesday, just prior to appearing before the criminal court, the young man fell ill. He was transported to University Hospital Pellegrin. It does not escape prosecution. Upon his leaving the hospital, he will again be summoned before a police officer for fraud as to the outrages against the police.

BMO added benefit "green" at its MasterCard Gold AIR MILES

Customers holding a MasterCard BMO AIR MILES Gold
will now get a 25% discount on the number of miles reward needed before they can obtain rewards
Ecological AIR MILES My Planet. This advantage is most Recent improvements in the bank card accompanied reward miles.

- Customers can redeem their miles against more than 140
My Planet Awards.
- 53% of AIR MILES say they would buy more
environmentally friendly products if they got it for the miles
- 85% believe that companies should provide more
ecological options.

- From 1 November 2009, BMO Bank of Montreal will further enhance options trading on its MasterCard Gold AIR MILES, offering its holders the opportunity to benefit from exclusive discounts 25% on the number of reward miles needed to obtain "green" products through the program of AIR MILES reward miles. This new benefit, the latest in a series of improvements made by the bank to its comprehensive suite of programs on credit cards means that consumers can realize significant savings, and exchange their miles quickly to get products that are environmentally friendly. Customers holding a MasterCard Gold AIR MILES BMO can exchange their miles for rewards AIR MILES cons over 140 environmental products and services currently available on the program website My Planet AIR MILES (, then select "My Planet"). The rewards range from passes services transport services of green energy, from appliances and cleaning products that protect the environment better.

According to a study conducted on behalf of the AIR MILES program, 53% of AIR MILES (there are more than 10 million who are active in Canada) said they would buy more environmentally friendly products if they got it for the miles reward, and 85% believe that companies should provide more ecological options.

"There is no doubt that Canadians are looking more and more ecological options, cars and scooters even more fuel efficient light bulbs and lifestyles," said Nancy Marescotti, Director General, Marketing Cards, BMO Bank of Montreal. "We have an excellent opportunity to offer our customers an incentive to use their reward miles for making sustainable choices by offering them a substantial discount of 25% on the number of miles needed for awards My Planet . This allows our customers to save money and protect the planet in the same breath. " "The corporate responsibility towards the environment continues to grow, while Canadians are concerned about increasing environmental issues," said Bryan Pearson, president of LoyaltyOne Inc.., The company that runs the awards program AIR MILES. "My Planet The program reflects the needs and changing demands of our members, and we are very pleased to now offer reward miles to purchase green products, and a 25% discount on rewards Program My Planet. "

The five awards green most popular - Subscriptions to transit
- Donations to the organization WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature)
- Bicycles
- Luggage ecological
- Compos

Earlier this year, BMO Bank of Montreal has made improvements
following its suite of rewards programs on the MasterCard

- Elimination of Annual Fee of $ 35 and doubling of
Miles earned with the new MasterCard BMO
- Added travel insurance (including insurance exemption
collision damage) to the MasterCard BMO AIR MILES Gold;
- Increase the discount offered on the miles needed to obtain
a plane ticket with MasterCard BMO AIR MILES Now
discounts rose from 20% to 25% (customers now need
25% less air miles to get a ticket
plane through the AIR MILES program);
- New MasterCard BMO prime rate coupled with a rate
interest of 17.5 percent - a rate lower than that of the
Most cards now available free on the market;
- New 3% discount at National Car Rental and Alamo at
Rent A Car all over the world, thanks to the MasterCard BMO
Discounts higher;
- New discount of 1.5% at National Car Rental and Alamo at
Rent A Car all over the world, thanks to the MasterCard BMO
- New SPC MasterCard BMO AIR MILES toll, offering a
reward mile AIR MILES for every $ 20 purchase;
- New MasterCard BMO SPC Discounts toll, offering a
cash rebate of 0.5%.

M6 and Crédit Agricole launched the card Mozaïc M6 intended for 12-25 years

70M6 Crédit Agricole and Crédit Agricole launch map Mozaïc M6, a new credit card that offers comprehensive and innovative services to their young clients. This partnership embodies the natural association of two groups with youth leaders in the entertainment world on the one hand and the World Bank on the other. Visual M6 Mosaic 150x129 M6 and Crédit Agricole launched the card Mozaïc M6 for the 12 25 With this new card, Credit Agricole, the first private bank with 28% market share, is a continuation of its strategy to support the youth market. In framing the expenditure of young users, the card Mozaïc M6 meets the concerns of parents in terms of expenditure control of their children. Backed by a current account, the card also allows the user to be young in real life. It thus has the autonomy to learn to manage its budget safely. M6 opens the world of entertainment to cardholders. They will thus enjoy preferential benefits and good shots of high-tech products, fashion, culture and music. These benefits are available on the Internet, media of choice for young people to greater ease of access.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The development of credit cards boosts inflation

The credit card is a major financial innovations of the past 40 years, theoretical research has been slow to consider its implications, such as monetary policy. Today, American economists show its major impact on inflation.The card Diners Club in 1950, but the first plastic card comes from American Express in 1957. The development of this new payment method was then extremely fast.

The first step towards good credit are important

Building a good credit record and are not protected may not be in the class schedule for students, but these aspects should absolutely be part of their educational plan. Good credit history may be crucial not only for buying a house or a car in the future, but also for renting an apartment, choosing a cell phone plan or obtaining low rates for a loan or insurance.
Credit Card
The possession and use of a credit card, provided you do not abuse the privilege, is an excellent method for students to build an impeccable credit record. Ironically, to receive a high credit rating, they must first make sure not to spend money they do not and pay the balance of their credit cards before the deadline. "Pay your bills on time is the first thing to do," says David Malamed, a forensic accountant with Grant Thornton. Because of irregular payments can quickly plummet a credit score and a credit card continuously full can lead to similar consequences, students must be responsible.

Receive a gift t-shirt or a cup of coffee in exchange for a demand for additional credit card may look like a win-win, but students should be wary of annual fees or interest rates extremely high, which sometimes turn around 29% or more. They should read the fine print before signing anything and think seriously about the number of credit cards they need. After all, who wants to carry a credit card spending beyond its financial capacity? Furthermore, if flight portfolio, the risk of fraud and problems are proportional to the number of credit cards.
Once they began to build their credit, students must protect it. Mr. Malamed said that fraud is among the most common causes of bad credit and that vigilance is generally the best means of protection. "Students must religiously check their card statements and bank credit and review, advises there. This is the first step to eliminate the risk of fraud. " Students must identify some anomalies, as a suspect for disbursement of items they have purchased or double billing, and call the issuer of their card as soon as possible if something seems anormal.Les students should Never respond to telephone solicitations for credit cards, because anyone could be at the other end. The personal information supplied could lead to identity theft. In the worst case scenario, a hacker could use their information to call a company that issues credit cards to impersonate them, apply for new credit cards in their names and destroy their credit rating by accumulating debt, d According to Mr. Malamed.

Phishing targeting cardholders of VISA

PhishingCela been several days that email with the heading "Updating your credit card" and forwarding company VISA circulating in mailboxes.
The person who receives this message is invited to click a link to an online form that, when completed, should allow activation of security against online fraud recently adopted by the company VISA, SecureCode Protection. The French language and more wobbly than the request for personal information and banking made by e-mail you will most certainly put the chip in his ear. This is a scam. Completing the questionnaire will not protect you from online fraud. Quite the contrary, you expose it, by sending all the information necessary to the achievement of shopping at your expense.

A Carcassonne arrested for theft and credit card use

CARCASSONNE. Yesterday, the National Police conducted the arrest of a major Carcassonne, suspected of robbery and using a stolen credit card. The complainant, who recognized the truth in his custody, would have stolen credit card to a person. It will be summoned to court later to be considered under the simplified procedure of "plead guilty". In this case, the judge has a judicial sanction that the defendant is required to accept.

Credit cards: rising bad debts in Canada

The cancellation rate for bad debts on credit cards reached a record level of 4.8% in Canada, according to rating agency Moody's.
The agency also states that this figure will increase in coming months, but at a slower pace than that displayed since the beginning of the year. The rate of radiation is the portion of loans that the companies issuing credit cards like Visa and MasterCard say not be able to recover and therefore they count as losses.
Moody's said that the rate of bad debt write-off is in direct correlation with the unemployment rate, which itself is associated with an increase in requests for personal bankruptcy. In Canada, unemployment reached 8.7% in August and should reach a peak of 9.6% during the second quarter of 2010, at the same time the radiation levels will reach its highest level, says Moody's. At 4.8%, the rate of cancellation is up nearly 60% over the rate of 3.07% a year ago. This is one tenth consecutive quarterly increase. In comparison, this rate reached 10.45% in the United States, up 65% yoy and 8.71% in the United Kingdom, up 33%.

Friday, October 2, 2009

FIUMICINO, GUESS card purchases

The Police Station's Fiumicino airport, during a service aimed at preventing and combating crimes against property within the business park "Leonardo", have arrested a 27 year old Brazilian citizen in charge of illegal possession of credit cards altered and falsified. The woman attempted to purchase two laptops and a TV for a total of 1,000 euros paid with credit card cloned. The electronic controls of the store, however, have noted the anomalous transaction and the director immediately alerted the Carabinieri with a call to 112. The military managed to stop the woman who, among his personal effects, had ten other credit cards, all perfectly cloned and ready to use. In her purse was found are also a large amount of money.

Toshiba has the SSD credit card with mini-SATA connector

Toshiba has unveiled two new solid state hard drives that have dimensions equal to those of a credit card with a capacity of 30GB and 62GB. One of the new SSD using the new mini-SATA connection and is designed for ultra-compact systems and netbooks. The new solid state drives from Toshiba introduced today are marked with the symbol SG2 SSD and both are made with 32-nanometer manufacturing process. A half-size version uses the standard connection slim SATA II, while the second memory module integrates the new mini-SATA connector also indicated by the sign MSAT: Both versions will be made in denominations of 30GB and 62GB.
Remember that coincide with the introduction of Toshiba's new SSD, SATA-IO today the consortium has submitted the specifications of the new format MSAT. Modules Toshiba SSD family SG2 have a link up to 3Gbps, reading the data back up to 180MBps, while the sequential write speed reaches 70MBps. The manufacturer said that the new modules will come into production from October

In comes the university credit card

It's called the Charter University and is a rechargeable credit card dedicated to university students. It is in practice an evolution of the electronic document is intended for students and university staff that combines an innovative payment function, the characteristics of an identity card. The Charter, the first of its kind in Europe, was carried out by Banca Popolare di Sondrio, together with the University of Milan Bicocca and Politecnico and Visa Europe.
The intent is to combine fast and modern payment systems with effective means of recognition in order to raise the quality of service offered by the universities. The smart card can be used as a badge of identification visible to students, thanks to personal data and the passport photograph of the holder printed on the back, to access specific services and overhead of universities, or to record the presence on examination, to university elections, a specialized course or seminar but also to borrow books at the library. Regarding the functionality of payment, this is a smart-card prepaid Visa Contactless with the innovative system that allows you to pay costs of small amount, up to 15 euros, just closer to the card-enabled POS terminal, without insert or crawl. Furthermore, as a normal payment card, allows you to make expenditures from any store that accepts Visa cards in Italy and abroad (which are approved according to the rechargeable card) and cash withdrawals. The paper will be distributed from 14 September next year students of two universities in Milan. The others, about 40 thousand, may be required in the coming months. Banca Popolare di Sondrio For this is the first experiment on universities that can be expanded to other universities where the bank takes care of the treasury. The completion of the project have also contributed

A new Trojan threatens online banking and credit cards

It 'was newly discovered threats that seriously jeopardizes all users of online banking and payments with credit cards. A Trojan, known now by different names like Clamp, Ligats or ILOM, has already infiltrated thousands of infected computers especially those of large companies and organizations.
His "job" is to steal sensitive data like credit card numbers and online banking login credentials of the victims and then send them to a server from which hackers can act alone in making purchases or steal money illegally. The diffusion takes place with the proven method of Annex email that, when opened, installs the virus on the victim's computer, mostly running Windows, and awaits the user to connect on some web site objective as that of its bank, or make a payment by credit card. The laboratories at Symantec have warned that the virus is very dangerous because its creators take advantage of other dissemination methods such as, for example, newspaper ads online. Clamp is able to switch from dangerous sites to your computer through flaws known ActiveX components and Flash browsers.

Here's how to avoid credit fraud

In 2008 in Italy were 25 thousand cases of fraud credit (+11% compared to 2007), for a total of more than 145 million euros (+29%). Last CRIF observatory on the phenomenon confirms the rising trend in terms of average (+16.5% compared to 2007, when he was about 5 thousand euro). The form of the loan financing most affected is finalized (over 74% of cases) but if you look at the type of assets subject to fraud, there is a shift to the automotive and motorcycles, while in previous years was hit in the head ' consumer electronics. Even the furniture sector recorded a significant growth of credit fraud, which increased from 7% in 2007 to 11% of the total in 2008. Signal that the assets of fraudsters aiming at greater amounts.
But they are also increasing fraud on financial products that in previous years had a lower risk. It grows by 47% the weight percentage of fraud related to the issuance of credit card and identity theft by installments of 11, 1% higher than that of personal loans (from 5.1% to 5.6%). Just as credit fraud related to the sale of the fifth, the unwitting accomplice growth that has taken this instrument by the opening of loans towards pensioners and employees of private firms.
When it was possible to identify in the complaint alleged charge of fraud, the Center shows that in 7% of cases the alleged perpetrator was the employer, previous or ongoing, and in some cases self-styled such. Operators in any case continue to represent nearly a third of alleged offenders (31%), followed by relatives of victims (27%).
Albeit lower, fraud also affects credit cards. With respect to fraud on credit cards, there is no difference between the two major Visa and MasterCard. As compared to the rest of Europe say that the data in Italy the proportion of fraud on credit card transactions are broadly consistent with that of the EU average, the region that you did it in a substantial similarity to the new technological frontier represented by the chip.
In 2009, the experts, also because of the ongoing crisis which obviously magnifies this type of phenomena, they expect the average fraud amounts would be higher and more sophisticated techniques, such as the joint use of financial instruments and payment cross -market for quick recycling. Also why it is vital that consumers are increasingly aware and informed about the risks of fraud and how to defend themselves.
Beyond. "After being approved by the Senate, the House and is discussing a bill that if it were to go - says Federico Lucchetti, head of UCAMP (central office fraud on the means of payment) of the Ministry of Economy - is at the forefront at European level in creating a comprehensive system of prevention of the phenomenon. "
Pending what it can do in the meantime a holder of a credit card? CartaSi arrangements which offers useful tools to guard against fraud such as SMS services. By subscribing to the service for free, every time that our paper is used in real time you receive a text message that warns you of the amount spent and the year in which the purchase was made. Without recognition of the cost, simply call the toll 800.15.16.16 to stop spending immediately, thus avoiding the charge on your statement. The service is totally free. Then there are the anti-fraud protection systems Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode. This protection (3D Secure) as well as being safe and free and easy to use: just choose a password which, combined with the credit card is used whenever you want to make a payment online. And in the case of fraud on the Internet? It should behave as you would in case of fraud in the real world: report to the competent authorities, contact the company or the bank that issued the card to request the lock. Any disallowed costs may always be challenged.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Retailers unite against card issuers

Canadian traders, led by the Canadian Council of retail, conspire against the issuers of credit cards and Interac network to denounce the practices of fees charged to clients.
With their campaign "Stop: Stop sticking charges, the protesters believe that $ 4.5 billion in hidden costs were levied on purchases made through credit cards in the last year.
According to the website of the organization, these costs estimated at $ 2 per $ 100 transaction is used to finance the rewards programs linked to credit cards. Above all, retailers do not fear Interac restructures and changes the service charge to make them comparable to those of credit cards.

"Right now, they say on the website, processing operators charge a fixed cost to the merchant on the order of 0 to 0.15 cents per transaction. However, in light of increased competition from Visa and MasterCard, Interac addressed the Competition Bureau Canada to restructure and change the composition of its service charges in order to attract new investees, that is to say Canadian banks. " The retail trade depends more and more payments by Interac. In 2006, approximately 3.3 billion transactions totaling $ 149 billion. Environ quatre transactions sur dix sont faites avec un paiement direct.

The loss of credit cards could decline, according to CIBC

Losses in the Canadian credit cards could start to fall in the coming months if the economy improves and unemployment began to decline as expected, says CEO of CIBC ( TSX: CM), Gerry McCaughey. If the economy begins next year to find his stride, as required by the bank, the losses from loans on credit cards could start lowering short-term, "said Mr. McCaughey, Tuesday, at the a conference of CIBC for institutional investors.
"If the Canadian unemployment quickly reached its peak and begins to decline - and at the same time the economy is behaving reasonably well - the likelihood that these portfolios continue to grow and that (we) are seeing a drop in loss ratios is important, "he added.
"The impact on the industry in regard to improved profitability due to losses on loans lower, would be significant."
CIBC is considered to be the largest player in the industry of credit cards at home, which means it is more exposed to losses in this sector. While the economy has collapsed, more consumers and businesses have begun to miss their payments accounts credit cards. In the third quarter, losses related to loans on credit cards CIBC totaled $ 547 million.

Man arrested for paying with a stolen credit card

The officers of the Surete du Quebec have Monday the arrest of a man 28 years her output of a megastore Boulevard Shawinigan Trudel.
The man had paid for his purchases with a stolen credit card in addition to having committed a shoplifting. The suspect appeared Tuesday at the courthouse in Shawinigan. He could be charged with theft, obstruction, fraud and breach of contract. Fatal Accident in La Mauricie National Park, the identity of the victim revealed The identity of the motorcyclist who died last September 20 (about 15h) on the road to La Mauricie National Park is now unveiled. Mohamed amir Khan, 32, of Montreal has lost control of his craft. His motorcycle was found in the opposite lane before hitting a car coming in opposite direction. The vehicle occupants were not injured, but had to be treated for nervous shock.

Miss Singapore issues its crown for fraud card

Miss Singapore 2009, involved in a case of theft and fraudulent use of credit cards, was forced Tuesday to make his crown under pressure from an outraged public opinion.

Low Ris, 19, decided to renounce his title and it will not participate in the final of the Miss World pageant to be held in December in South Africa. According to local press, the young woman is accused of stealing last year's September credit card while working in a medical facility and using it to buy lingerie and other items which gold bracelets and telephones. The amount of these fraudulent expenditure amounted to 8,000 Singapore dollars (about 3,800 euros).

Back to school: choose wisely and use a credit card

A credit card is more than just a card. Although it may be useful in emergencies, it also represents the first step towards establishing a good credit record. But it is important to realistically assess your needs and your ability to manage your credit responsibly so that your credit card is a tool for efficient and flexible payment and not a path to debt.
Nancy Marescotti, Director General, Marketing Cards, BMO Bank of Montreal offers the following tips to help you show trial when requesting your first credit card.

Know your limits
A credit card is not a blank check and should not be used as such. The limit applied to your card helps you protect against overspending. If you fear being unable to resist the temptation to splurge, make your limit reduce to a low level, so that you do not spend more than your budget allows you. The cards are not all equal
The awards, features, fee structures and interest rates vary from one card to another. Take time to "shop" and choose a card that fits your personal situation and your needs.

Do not be bamboozled by eye-catching rate welcomed
If you think you can not pay your entire balance, choose a card that offers an annual interest rate low, because your interest rate may significantly affect what you pay. But do not be bamboozled by catchy introductory rate on short-term. Once the period of welcome ended, your interest rate could skyrocket.

Pay your entire balance
Always try to pay your entire balance before the due date of your monthly statement. Otherwise, interest charges will apply. At least, try to pay the minimum amount required each month and, if possible, try to pay a little more, because the faster you pay off your balance and less interest you'll pay.

Build a good credit
Now that you have your card, use it responsibly so as not to tarnish your credit record. A bad credit rating could have negative consequences when you want to get a loan, buying a car or a condo or even get the job you want. Build a good credit record, and protect it by paying your balance or the minimum monthly without delay.

Be a smart borrower
The possibility of obtaining a cash advance on your credit card may be of importance in an emergency, but remember that the interest on that money when you apply the touch. Whenever possible, try to avoid getting cash advances on your credit card.

Protect your identity
Identity theft is when someone steal your personal information, such as your name, your social insurance number or your number of credit cards to commit a fraudulent act.
Protect yourself by protecting your personal information. When you make a purchase online, make sure the website has security features necessary for your personal information from falling into criminal hands. If you give your card number credit to a merchant by telephone, make sure the good reputation of the merchant. Finally, do not lend your credit card to your friends - any misstep could put your credit rating at risk.

"Financial institutions are well equipped to help you make informed decisions and appropriate," said Ms. Marescotti. "Just go to your bank branch nearest you, or visit their website and you will get all the information you need to make such decisions. This open type of situation where we very happy to help you do your homework

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The tax attack on credit cards of some parliamentarians

The Treasury, which decided to tackle the credit cards available to some parliamentarians, conducted sound adjustments, can climb up to 30,000 euros. Most group leaders of the Assemblies of countries are therefore in dispute with tax authorities, several newspapers reported on Saturday.
The tax question that all these expenses - meals, documentation, phone, etc.. - Are actually business expenses. Dozens of MPs are so concerned, according to the newspapers. For example, it claims nearly 20,000 euros to the former group leader at PS Walloon Parliament, Mauritius Bayenet, which has undergone several adjustments for using the credit card group. The Dinantais calls his good faith, as all elected officials involved: "When I had to meet the 34 deputies PS, I went to the restaurant and I paid with the card group." To avoid further trouble, Mr. Bayenet gave his card to the group in 2007. From the tax side, it is estimated that the group leaders are too greedy and that the lump-sum payments that they already receive to cover their costs should be sufficient. Elected officials have appealed to their lawyers to succeed, but the matter could be settled in parliament or by the Minister of Finance

The Fed tightens rules on credit cards

The Fed noted that the economy is recovering and reduced its purchases of mortgages
Projects Fed Bonus divide observers
"The dollar is the main funding currency for carry trades to the yen
The Federal Reserve yesterday proposed new rules on credit cards, putting into practice the hardening voted last May by the Congress. The new law prohibits banks from raising their rates within one year after the granting of a debit card. It also limits their ability to equip children under 21 years and charge fees.

Credit cards: Canadians more indebted than 60%

Canadians increasingly difficult to repay their debts on their credit cards, according to rating agency.
According to an agency report, the amount of consumer debt the country has jumped 60% in the second quarter of 2009 compared to the same period last year. The rate of failure - accounts that are delinquent for more than 30 days - it rose 23% during the same period.
Direct consequence of this increase in debt, lenders canceled 4.8% of the debts listed in their books, what constitutes a record. Last year they did the same thing with 3.07% of these debts.
This figure could rise during the coming months. The agency said the rising unemployment rate will take up the radiation levels of bad debts. In August, the unemployment rate was 8.7% and could climb to 9.6% in the second quarter of 2010.
However, the number of defaults has fallen by 2.9% over the first quarter of the year.

Barclays: buys credit cards Citi Portugal.

Barclays confirms rumors Press last week. The British bank announced this afternoon the acquisition of credit card from American Citibank Portugal, for an undisclosed amount. The record should be completed before the end of the year.

Barclays said that the portfolio Portuguese Citi has 400,000 credit cards and accounts associated with gross assets of around 644 million euros. The British bank will also include employees of Citi.
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Fraud credit card: Caution!

More and more people use credit cards like Visa or Mastercard to pay for their purchases or pay at the restaurant. The risk of fraud is present, however. How to minimize risk? Do not ever call or write your PIN. Beware of "phishing", which is to contact you, supposedly in the name of your bank, by mail or telephone to get the code. On vacation, keep your cards in your pocket, do not leave the hotel or in the car. Call your code out of sight and protect the keypad of your hand, keep a safe distance with people behind you. When in doubt, change your code. Report any irregularities to your bank account or summary of your credit card.