Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Caf "hooked"

A phishing attack (*) targets in recent days the users of the family allowance funds French. This attack comes in the form of a message entitled "Notification of rights and payments. It faithfully reproduces the presentation of the official website of the Caf and tells the recipient that the message was not received for a specified period, a sum he would have received.

But small errors in the text should draw the attention of surfers. First, the first sentence which states: "It appears after culcul" instead of "calculation". Then, an incentive to click a hyperlink to access a form where the user is asked to provide his personal details of beneficiaries - including its secret code and its bank account with the number of credit card and cryptogram thereof. Elements that in no case did the Caf asks its recipients. She urges them not to click on the button "click here" that appears below the malicious message. The crooks who set up this fake site CAF hosted in Hungary led the deputy to allow the user, once he gave his personal details and confidential, to click a button "continue" which redirects to the actual site of the Caf. Stéphane Villeroy, communication officer at the Caf 67, indicated yesterday morning that "at 8 pm Opening hours of telephone Caisse du Bas-Rhin, the lines were flooded with calls from puzzled users or confused "...
(*) "Phishing" or phishing technique used by fraudsters to obtain personal information, including passwords and card numbers credit, making the victim believe it is for a trusted site: bank, government, etc..

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